The Chakras

Meditation on the Chakras

Meditating on the chakras is a meditation that can change your life.  It will change your life because you are clearing space within your energetic make up(this forms your personality).  Problems that you have within your physical life will always have a block within your system, everything is reflected energetically to and from the chakras.  This is why it is so important to use meditation to connect to these centres and cleanse through the breath and open up the main channel to the earth and cosmic energies.

1.  Meditation Techniques to Cleanse the Chakras

This is my personal way that I have interpreted how to accurately get into the chakra and actively clear the pathways to let divine energy flow through the subtle bodies.  My techniques are all inspired by the information I have gained from my study with Dr Amit Ray.  My technique is to open the central channel from below and above, the central channel runs inline with the spine, I would open up through the crown chakra to pick up the cosmic connection, I would also open up the root chakra to pick up the earth connection.  I would then use the breath to open the channel and make this one complete infinite channel that goes above and below.  Once this connection is established this allows the energies to come in, you can then use this to cleanse the chakra, I would always do this in conjunction with a mantra.  You can take the mantra that is linked with the chakra or you can take a personal chakra and use this for all cleansing.

2.  Using the Meditation Technique to Cleanse the Chakras(In life)

Using a meditation technique is only one part of the puzzle.  There are lots of other aspects to connecting with multi dimensional areas of consciousness.  To be multi layered(especially with the greater good) we must carry ourselves with higher vibrational qualities in all aspects of our daily lives, this means that we must strive to make ourselves better in everything we do for ourselves and the people around us.  This however requires a balance in our approach and how we judge ourselves and the world around us.  This balance comes from the mind, and how we neutralise our mind to taking a wider view of our emotions and thoughts about what is happening in our daily activities, especially towards other people around us.

This in itself is our own personal meditation.

3.  Sitting and Targeting the Chakra

When we are in meditation and we move our point of awareness towards a chakra we need to keep a disposition of very subtle awareness, everything is softly, softly, gently, gently.  The divine works through extreme subtle(some would say unnoticeable) movement and thought, this is why when we chant a mantra around the chakra we use a turning motion in the chakra to cleanse and activate the divine energy within, a slow turn on the chakra while in the mantra is the perfect way to connect and clear the energy around the chosen chakra.  To demonstrate how the divine communicates in such a free and subtle way you can get the idea from looking at a flower in bloom when in a state of trance, the flower will convey the divines pure energy in a telepathic exchange.  This becomes a language between you and the flower(or you and the divine), it's this state of awareness that we need to cultivate when targeting the chakras.

4.  Observing in life the changes that occur

Over time with daily practise you will notice that things in your life that were once a problem will disappear and diminish.  When this happens the universe smiles at you, you have changed as a person and the chakra reflects this back to you.  Your meditation practise can be so many things and clearing the chakra system is only one part of it, but it's the stable foundation for everything spiritual that comes out in life.  Without a clear system things like astral travel and spiritual visons will seem a million miles away, when truly they are there all the time.  For more information about how to get the chakras clear please check out my sessions and courses, they can be found here:

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Book a root chakra session

Book a sacral chakra session

Book a solar plexus chakra session

Book a heart chakra session

Book a throat chakra session

Book a third eye chakra session

Book a crown chakra session


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